Friday, July 27, 2007

A visit to the doctor

We went to the GP on Wednesday and met Dr. Coates. Dr. Creagh is supposedly on holidays or else I would have made that appointment with her but Alhamdulillah, Dr. Coates was just as nice as she is. I made one appointment though I did request for another (for me and both little fellas) as that was the only one available according to the receptionist (or whoever was on the phone) for the day.

The appointment was at 1220pm and we were there earlier but as usual, get to see the doctor much much later than the promised time. I wonder, at this period of the year - the end of the convocation week and the beginning of summer holidays - could there still be some many people needing the University's Health Service? We waited in the lounge with only another girl who seemed to be waiting for quite some time, I think. As she looked so vulnerable on the couch and at last rang the reception bell to suddenly change her address? Whatever-lah. Nevertheless, Handzalah enjoyed the waiting playing with blocks at the little play area provided in the centre. He's usually stuck on the toy horse but today the blocks were by far more colourful and interesting. Maybe because they were all around the floor when we came in.

Minutes elapsed and at last the door opened and my name was called by the GP herself. Handzalah the Builder was so into his 'building', it took some time to get him to the door. I told him it's time to go but this kind hearted fella wanted to keep the blocks in the box - tidying up - first before leaving. But there was not much time for that so I told him that we can get back to that later (they weren't even in the box at the first place, but thank God Alhamdulillah, he does have a sense of responsibility and care even they weren't his).

In the doctor's room, I told Dr. Coates about the problem all three of us had for the past one week. She said she'll give me a check but I'll need to try and get separate appointments for the kids. But that was the only available appointment for the day and I made it on my name because I thought it won't make any difference as if it does I would surely put my children's then. She made a quick check on the computer and told us that a few other docs had a few available appointments but again, there were none when I called this morning! Well, I can't blame her nor the receptionist, I know about their big problem there. The 10 minutes per appointment scheme happen not to work as planned as many patients took too much time for consultation?! And that's why I requested for another appointment at the first place.

The doc gave me a check and told me it's NOT hayfever because you won't have fever with hayfever though the name indicates so ;). And further, there won't be any swellings/swollen glands with it. It's actually a cold virus which has been affecting the area at the moment. No antibiotics or medication would be any good but doses of paracetamol would help to relieve the fever and discomfort. After the brief check, I asked whether I could treat it the same way with my children, and to my relief, Alhamdulillah, she kindly said she'll be examining them both afterwards. Gee, that was a real relief! Can't imagine having to leave her door to get more appointments from the receptionist and see another doctor ... the little boy - as usual - cried all the time when the doc's examining him. Wise doc gave him a sticker and switched on a moving elephant. The boy was happy with the toy but not happy enough to settle down quietly during the examination. He even tried getting another sticker and the doc gave him another one which Ummi pasted on her little sister's tee. And the sticker actually says "I was good at the doctor's today" ;). Fidaa' at the other hand - as usual - was all macho and interested in things. She was very quiet tolerating the quick process.

I've made an appointment for the little girl's Hep B jab next week but the pharmacist had some trouble with the prescription. She told Abuhandzalah we need to pay for it and there's no specification in the prescription on whether it's the 16pounds or 60pounds jab. Hmm ... that's so expensive for a Hep B jab! I could get it cheaper back home kan?

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