Saturday, November 25, 2006

dedikasi buat dua insan teristimewa

tanpa ayah, tanpa ibu
gimana aku menjadi aku?
tanpa ayah, tanpa ibu
gimana kenal cinta dan rindu?
tanpa ayah, tanpa ibu
dunia pasti keliru dan buntu
kerna kasih sayang tanpa syarat
hanya bisa datang dari
yang melahirkan dan membesarkan
tanpa pernah mengungkit penat
tiada pernah mengaku jemu
sentiasa rela, sentiasa mampu
membela dan melayani
setiap satu kerenah dan perilaku!
untuk Mama dan Papa,
terima kasih seluruh jiwaku
moga akhirnya di firdaus al-a'la
hidup dalam pandangan rahmat-Mu selalu!

kew, nov25, '06 - rumah kecil furzedown road.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Alhamdulillah, thank you ALlah for my mother!

It was Mama's birthday on Nov 23rd. I don't have enough words to express my thoughts and feelings about her. I could only hope that Allah shall accept and answer her prayers and mine, and that she'll be blessed and rewarded with every kindness fiddarayn - in the world and the hereafter. This article is dedicated to my beautiful mother, who devoted her life being more than just a mother, and to all mothers especially those who spend their time fully at home for their family and children, regardless of the qualification and ambitions they have, ignoring criticism and the 'popular' perception of the world that undermines them. May Allah bless! (Don't forget to pray for your parents, they deserve more than just that!)

(Luqman:14.) And We have enjoined on man (to be good) to his parents: in travail upon travail did his mother bear him, and in years twain was his weaning: (hear the command), "Show gratitude to Me and to thy parents: to Me is (thy final) Goal.

(al-Ahqaf:15.) We have enjoined on man kindness to his parents: In pain did his mother bear him, and in pain did she give him birth. The carrying of the (child) to his weaning is (a period of) thirty months. At length, when he reaches the age of full strength and attains forty years, he says, "O my Lord! Grant me that I may be grateful for Thy favour which Thou has bestowed upon me, and upon both my parents, and that I may work righteousness such as Thou mayest approve; and be gracious to me in my issue. Truly have I turned to Thee and truly do I bow (to Thee) in Islam."

A man once came to the Prophet Muhammad and asked him "Oh Messenger of God, who amongst the people is the most deserving of my good company?" The Prophet replied "Your mother." The man then asked who came next and the Prophet said again "Your mother." The man yet again asked who came after, and the Prophet yet again replied, "Your mother." The man asked "Then who else?" Then the Prophet said "Your father."

In this way the Prophet made clear to the Muslims that the position of the mother and the honour and esteem in which she is held is paramount and that she is the most deserving of our good treatment and companionship.

In the Qur'an too we see that after devotion to God, parents are the most deserving of our good behaviour and the role of the mother is specifically recognised and praised. When parents reach old age, they are included in the family and should not be neglected and lonely, just as they looked after us when we were helpless children. In this way the cycle of mutual care between parents and children is sustained.

I myself have felt valued and admired as an ftm in the Muslim community, indeed it's something Muslims respect greatly in a woman, but being born and brought up in the UK, I often felt that full-time-motherhood was not only undervalued but barely mentioned as a dignified and desirable option in the Girls' School I went to. I think the reason that people look at motherhood in such different ways boils down to how they view the roles of men and women in general.

In Islam, women and men are equal in the sight of God, but they are different and consequently have different roles to play…both roles are as important as each other and they complement each other. This is the only way a harmonious society can exist: when men are men and women are women; when we embrace our femininity and our nature and stop fighting against it, yearning to be something we are not.

Muslim women have the right to be fully supported because the responsibility for maintenance is fully on the shoulders of the men. In fact when a Muslim woman gets married, she is given a marriage gift as part of her nuptial contract and is given all the required provisions for her welfare and protection. Any wealth she owns or earns personally is her own and is entirely at her disposal and she doesn't have to contribute to the family funds unless she wants to. When my own husband was made redundant a couple of years ago, I was not expected to go out to work and even when funds were low, we budgeted and were patient with the situation until things got better. In fact if things had gotten really bad, other men from our relatives would have helped out. Being an ftm takes precedence and is seen as essential by both of us, as well as our families.

If a mother wants to work or pursue any useful occupations, she may, after mutual consultation between husband and wife. (I myself am studying at home for my degree through an open-college course). But this is if her sacred role as wife and mother is not neglected. Her role as a mother is seen as indispensable to society because the family is a microcosm of society and without her, the future generation would lack the healthy moral conscience that is needed for the success and stability of the individual and the community at large. Children have a right over us and deserve our attention and care.

Apart from the fact that I love my children and love being with them and guiding and teaching them, I hope that God will reward me in this life and the next for being a devoted mother…and this is the Muslim belief - that every good thing a mother teaches her child, every bit of love and compassion she shows them and every sacrifice she makes for them will be rewarded by God, and her reward will increase and increase if her child passes on what she has taught and will keep increasing as long as the effects of what she instilled in him last in generations to come! What a wonderful image! The effect of what we mothers do is like a pebble falling into a lake and causing a great ripple that influences generations after us!

As for education, then Islam sees educating women as absolutely vital! As an Arab Poet says:

The Mother is a School
If you prepare her properly,
You will prepare an entire people of good character.
The Mother is the first Teacher,
The most important of them,
And the best of them.

Need I say more?

Sunday, November 19, 2006

rindu mode: I miss the sevenlords!

we had great fun together

with too many laughters
and loads of tears,
growing up with the best
mom and dad ever,
life has always been for a great goal
to attain His pleasure.

not with dreams too big
but pursuits and ambitions
that let us mature,
didn't they raised us like stars?
never too far to be remembered
always loved and cherished
by each other.

remember the songs and dzikr
we sang in our journeys far and near,
remember the jokes and gossips
we shared in our rides to school
and the university together,
remember those fight we had
over the house chores
and who gets to do lesser,
remember those eat-out-time-out
breakaways and plannings to celebrate
special days for everyone, every year,

remember how we've always been
defensive of mom and dad

and how we've always stood by each other,
remember those conflicts and issues
that we've faced and brought us closer,
remember and remember those days,
those times,
never let them fade
from your memories forever ...

we had great times together before
and may we have them again and always
in the hereafter!

khaleel el-wafy,
Nov 20, 2006
furzedown road, s'oton

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Three Tips to Strengthen Your Family

To deepen the love and to improve communication between members of your family - spouse, children, parents - your should aim to establish the following three activities in your home.

Firstly, perform some of your daily Salat collectively with your family. Prophet Mohammed said that, 'When you have finished your [Fard] Prayer in the mosque, you should offer the rest of your Prayer at home for God will bless your home because of your prayer.' (Muslim)

Secondly, establish an usra or family circle to study the Quran with your family. The Quran alludes to reading of the Quran in families and in home in the following verse:

And remember that which is recited in your houses of the Revelations of God and the Wisdom. [al-Ahzab 33: 34]

You should aim to hold these sessions at least twice weekly, if not more regularly. Remember that the first recipients of the message of the Quran were the members of the prophet Mohammed's household. They were the one he paid most attention to in the early phase of his mission in Makka. So, you also must ensure that you spend adequate 'quality' time in educating and training your family.

Thirdly, develop the habit of having meals with your family. This will also provide a golden opportunity to interact with everyone, discuss family matters and reflect upon issues of the day.

[compiled from "In the Early Hours" by Khurram Murad, pp. 116-117]

memoir tiga tarikh dalam November

Abang, Nawwar & Ijlal ...

Selamat Hari LAHIR!

Know that we're thinking of you now,
with much hope and love
cherishing our moments together yesterday,
praying hard for another memory of US tomorrow ...

may ALlah bless you with His forgiveness and pleasure,
guide you in peace and happiness in every step till the hereafter ...

Loving you always,
Rin, Affzan & Handzalah

Friday, November 10, 2006

andai kau masih tak mengerti ...

bila kan kau sedari
masa tak akan menanti
samada dia atau kau sendiri
masing-masing tak mengetahui
entah bila nanti
diseru kembali
nah, masa itulah
kau bakal tercari-cari
apa jawabnya pada
pendirianmu kini ...

atau sekadar ego yang kau rai?!

tak siapa hidup selamanya
meski kau benar
tak perlu meninggi diri
hatta langit masih engkau junjungi
gimana cepat benar kau lupakan
bumbung yang meneduh
dari terik mentari?

dua orang tua akan selalu sabar
dan meyakini
janji Tuhan itu pasti
dan kebaikan buatmu selamanya
hingga ke negeri abadi
memaafkan meski engkau membenci

haruskah sangka-sangka bertitik hitam itu
terus engkau bajai
haruskah terus kau semai subur di dalam hati
mestikah mereka tetap menanti
engkau kembali
menghulur kasih
andai maaf hanya milikmu yang hakiki?

kalau engkau masih punya hati
dan mindamu masih segar berfungsi
ingatlah tiap titik susu ibu
yang mengalir deras memperkasa tubuhmu
ingatkah dua tangan ayah
yang sedia menyambut
tika engkau baru bertatih
melangkah satu, satu
ingatlah dua orang tua itu
yang tak bisa selamanya menunggu
untuk engkau sedari siapa dirimu

meski syurga bukan lagi di telapak kaki ibu
mestikah sebuah ikatan menghancurkan
simpulan yang selama ini mengikatmu
dan engkau berpaut padanya sepenuh jiwamu ?

aku hanya bisa berkata
dan kata-kata hanya akan tinggal
sebagai kata ...
andai kau masih tak mahu
andai kau masih tak tahu
mengarah tapak kakimu
ke teratak itu yang selama ini membesarkanmu ...
andai kau masih tak malu
mengatakan "aku", "aku"
dan menafikan dua orang tuamu ...
hanya tinggal doa mengharapkan
Tuhan, bukalah matamu!

khaleel el-wafy
Nov 11, 2006