Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The Job Predictor?

Adnin sent me the Job Predictor :wink: where your name dictates your profession? Since I didn't have much time to seriously post something now, I thought of just telling you my job "prediction" results. Just for fun! :)

I typed in my First Name and my Ideal Job is a &8%^# Star???! What is this thing? Ridiculously ridiculing ...

Then I typed both my First and Middle names since I think that'll give a better, unique result and hence, my Ideal Job is a Prime Minister!! Gee, sounds sensible at last! :D

And since there's more than one person with both my names, to make it utmost unique, I typed in all my names including my Surname, and my Ideal Job is ... a Supermodel?!!

I've told you, this is ridiculously ridiculing yet very, very interesting. Do you know what's behind such thing?

Anyway Adnin, thanks for giving me a good laugh this morning :). If you'd like to know what's your job according to your name, try the Job Predictor today. Good day peeps!

Salam ...


bAiTi said...

rin, i've tried it..

hehehe.. lawaks jer..

baiti: car drifting driver
siti norbaiti: in a land, far far away.. (huhuhu..)kerja apa tuh???

aNNdiNN said...

my 1st try when i typed my full name; "Head Teacher" !!?? i almost choked...uhuk! my mom (x-teacher) wud b laughin all d way...kihkih...

Anonymous said...

rin, akak dah try..
Najah farahin : chef!!
haha....wow! i am a chef!!

Falah Dizar Adviator said...

Dear Nurin, what a midnite laugh..
mine were:
falah = my current job
falah dizar = village idiot!
falah dizar khaidizar = Pro football player?


Anonymous said...

oh my God, I am supposed to be Tok Imam! maybe i shud quit medicine and gi belajar syariah ke ;p

thanks k nurin
lawak aaa job predictor tu