Tuesday, July 03, 2007

The 1st month in SMS

Subhanallah walhamdulillah, it has been three weeks since the 1st class started. We had three classes so far and I'll say students' attendance and parents' support have been great! As promised, I'd jot down some of the lessons I've taught for Group 1 (aged 4-6) in two weeks time.

p/s: I didn't handle Group 1 last Saturday because I needed to substitute Wan teaching Malay Language for Group 2 and 3 and Kak Yati is back in Soton to "look after" those energetic beings. It was a good "change", a short relief. It was easier in the sense that I needed less energy to teach the older kids. With Group 1, you need all the energy and voice you have, with the correct tone and "pitching" and also attractive activities to "keep" them learning. If you're not really prepared, you'll be surprised to see them "everywhere" at a blink of an eye! :)

Week 1:
Objective - Ice Breaking (Introducing school, friends and Malay language), Etiquettes of a Muslim

Methodology : Circle Time & Activities (30 mins)
- Begins with "Bismillah". Teacher greets students, welcome them to class. Ask them about their activities before coming to school; did they brush their teeth in morning, had breakfast, etc.
- Introducing oneself. Begins with "Assalamu'alaikum", "My name is ...", "I am _ year old". Teacher introduce herself and ask each and every student to do the same.
- Teacher tells how and when to give Salam and reply, the importance of starting a job with bismillah and ending them with alhamdulillah.
- Chat about school, remind them about next class. End with du'a.

- Story telling
- Songs: Pok amai-amai, Alif Ba Taa
Labelling folders with students' names

Week 2:
[Islam] Objective - Revision & Knowing Allah

Circle Time and Evaluation (30 mins) - Ask students about their day before school and what they remembered from the previous class. Remind them about lessons of week 1. Introduce "Allah the Creator", ALlah makes everything. Relate the etiquettes learnt as obedience towards the Creator.

Evaluation & Activities (30 mins):
- Teach the song "Bismillah" to help remembering last week's lesson
- Ask children to think of what Allah creates around them, draw them. Each of them will need to show their friends and teacher what they've drawn.
- Teacher marks the drawing and reward stars. Return to students, teaching them to thank people upon receiving things by saying "Terima Kasih" (thank you)

[Malay] Objective - Revision & Identifying Objects

Circle Time - Revise how to introduce oneself in Malay. Ask them to tell stories and how do they feel about school so far.

Games & Activities :
- Teacher draws an object on the whiteboard and students will need to guess what it is in Malay.
- Sing Pok amai-amai
- Show children how to make a paper butterfly, and ask them to colour their own butterflies. Paste in notebooks.

My version of Pok Amai2 :)
"Pok amai-amai, belalang kupu-kupu,
Belajar pandai-pandai, jadi orang berilmu"

Ok, that's what I did. I hope I'll make time to write on some assessment and observations for month numer uno. What do you think friends? Comments please ... :)

Notes: All classes are conducted in Malay Language.


the virt said...

best nye rin!!

me a name i call myself said...

bestnye..tapi kan best kalau butterfly tu bleh display dalam classroom? bleh tengok artwork sendiri :D

lukluk said...

:) thanks friends 4 reading. i do hope we could do the same nad but we're only renting the school's annex at the moment thus there's not much 'displaying' could be done.