1st day at SMS (part 1)
Saturday, 16th June 2007 was the first day of operation for Sekolah Malaysia Southampton (Malaysian School Southampton). I had butterflies in my stomach, waking up that morning for it was my first day in school and like any other kids, this first time tutor was soooo excited! I've been wanting to post about our 1st day at SMS since the day itself, but we were busy all weekend and the kids were not well. They're recovering now alhamdulillah. I'm trying to make this short but InshaALlah interesting enough with some photos. Enjoy
We started with a simple registration process for the children. Collecting all the forms and registration fees, checking the attendance sheet and distributing 'starter-packs' for the lovely kids. Each and every one of them got their own Snopake folder containing the most essential tool for school; a notebook and a pencil. Alhamdulillah, many of the parents turned up with their children for our first ever debut in SMS. There about 30 students that day other than a group of concerned parents, teachers and the school's administrative board.
Ustaz Lizam gave a short briefing for the students, reminding them about their extra day in school, a new addition to their schedule while moms and dads had tea and some titbits with the guests. He also introduced the teachers and
administrative members of the school to the children. Later, the parents joined the assembly to hear speeches from Mr. Samad (the advisor), Mr. Halim (the principal) and the guests - Dr. Sarwar Jamil, The Manager of Community Languages Services and Mr. Draper, Swaythling Primary School's Headteacher.
(Pic 1: Registration table)
(Pic 2: Hear ye! Hear ye! Calling out names of students for class 1, aged 4-6)
(Pic 3: Getting the kids to line up properly is not as easy as it sounds :))
(Pic 4: Ustaz Lizam introducing us to the students)
After the short assembly, we went to the designated classrooms along with the children. Since there's an event organised by Malaysian Students' Association in the afternoon, we decided to end the class at 11.30am. I had to handle the kids aged 4-6 this week and it was a challenging one!
wah..reminds me of our 1st day at the malaysian skool when i was 10. dat time the malay community in cheetham hill thot it's necessary to have a class specifically for the muslim malaysian kids.we borrowed a community school in the evenin for Malay language class(it's Bhs. Malaysia now)on thursdays & the surau in our neighbourhood for the agama class on saturdays. yea, i do think those r necesssary as i realized later how deteriorating n how left behind we were when we return 2 m'sia. Keep up the effort u guys! :)
wah...comel nyer awak rin!! hehe
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