Sunday, November 19, 2006

rindu mode: I miss the sevenlords!

we had great fun together

with too many laughters
and loads of tears,
growing up with the best
mom and dad ever,
life has always been for a great goal
to attain His pleasure.

not with dreams too big
but pursuits and ambitions
that let us mature,
didn't they raised us like stars?
never too far to be remembered
always loved and cherished
by each other.

remember the songs and dzikr
we sang in our journeys far and near,
remember the jokes and gossips
we shared in our rides to school
and the university together,
remember those fight we had
over the house chores
and who gets to do lesser,
remember those eat-out-time-out
breakaways and plannings to celebrate
special days for everyone, every year,

remember how we've always been
defensive of mom and dad

and how we've always stood by each other,
remember those conflicts and issues
that we've faced and brought us closer,
remember and remember those days,
those times,
never let them fade
from your memories forever ...

we had great times together before
and may we have them again and always
in the hereafter!

khaleel el-wafy,
Nov 20, 2006
furzedown road, s'oton


Anonymous said...

kak rin akuan rindu kak rin!!!bila nal balik!!!!!balikla dlm bulan january

tinkerbell said...

huk hukk.. tears dropping !! ...
i really hope everything will be back to normal..


tinkerbell said...

huk huk.. tears dropping... really hope everything will be back as it used to be..
