Wednesday, December 06, 2006

talk-about-babies [part 5]

the little boy has grown ...

so much!

Sometimes, I just can't believe my eyes and ears: the way he acts and talks it's like he's left the tiny, cuddle-only babyhood for a long time! Now he's learning to call people's names, especially kakak-kakak's: the frequent visitors to our little house.

He has so many expressions now: laughter, smiles, frowning and even cries like he never did before! He's a bit too dramatic sometimes, pulling his little face to show ummi and abi "I'm sad"! That's usually when ummi gives him a "time-out": out of the sight when he did something really wrong, e.g stay in the kitchen or outside the bedroom - just like the "naughty step" thing in parenting OR ummi leaves him with his intolerable behaviour, no more games, no more talking and ummi will go to bed. We'll get him after some time, ask him to give a handshake or actually salam, a hug and a kiss to say sorry. He usually stops crying immediately and we'll pick him up with a hug and kiss in return... the funny thing IS, if he's out of the door, he'll come knocking and crying but still says "Akum" - assalamu'alaikum in his language asking us to open it ... oh, anak ummi! cepat cair hati ummi macam ni :(.

I don't believe that hurting him with too many loud and harsh words will help, and just forget about spanking! Though these days, I think I've been a bit too emotional - I'm in my last stage of pregnancy - I felt so bad having to feel angry when he does things wrongly. May Allah grant me patience to cope, poor fella, he's just a kid that's learning to know the world ...

He's usually funny and really loves joining others' conversation, especially when people burst into laughter, he'll cry "hahaha" though he doesn't understand why. He knows how to make a fake "crying" sound now, just for fun ... and he loves babies so much, he'll tell you there's a baby in sight whenever he came across one, in books, the tele or those he met at home and outside. He's always calling "adik",patting his hands on the tummy and sometimes lovingly leaning his cheek and head on it with a kiss "muahsss..."! Some people say that's his best and special skill: hugs with a long "muah" kissing sound ;)

He's copying, immitating nearly everything! He's good at house chores or shall I say better these days as he has developed such "interest" far earlier. He'll help ummi to sort clothes and load the washing machine. He'll also help to take out the clothes and get them hanged, and spin the inner part of the machine (like ummi always does) before closing the door to make sure every single thing has come out :). Whenever he finds something on the floor that shouldn't be there or if something dropped, he'll say "Allah" and pick it up. He's very kind and keen at helping out anytime; unless he has something more interesting to do :). He'll get things for you whenever you asked for them or whenever you mentioned so. He even tried helping ummi up/out of the bed when ummi's backache troubles her to do so :). And now he knows to complete the prayer, he can do ruku', sujud and the sittings between, pointing out the finger for tahiyyah and also the ending salams; though he might not do everything in every solat of his! ;)

He's good with technology! Give him a computer, a PDA ... anything? He'll delete some files, turned on some music and even get his voice recorded in them! :D He's so observant and he's absorbing everything, just like a sponge! As you know, he loves music and lately whenever abi and ummi sing along (or talk to others sometimes), he'll give that "silence, please" sign - finger on lips - with a shhh! ;)

His always observant and absorbing sponge-like mind has given so many surprises. He might not copy things or pronounce words immediately after you teach him, but he'll popped them out later when you least expect it! Just like a few nights ago when he mentioned "kakak Aziya" (for Azila) a few times before bed! He knows and remembers where you keep things and what's missing from a puzzle or the shape sorter.

He has discovered what's beyond his diapers and he's showing some readiness for potty training. He knows how to tell you when he'll poo but rarely mention if he needs a wee. Watch out if he's squatting undressed (usually after a good wash)! The last time ummi and abi didn't pay attention to that, he left some "gifts" in front of the bathroom and on the bed! Erk ... He'll try to put on/off his own clothes, and brush his own teeth but he doesn't really like brushing them much. He's about to complete his first sets of teeth soon inshaAllah.

He loves to read! He wakes up and goes to sleep with books; err and some biscuits and water too! Is it ok to let him have snacks before bedtime? Now he can read Postman Pat's Big Book of Words showing the blender, kettle, washing machine, toaster etc. whenever you mention them ... he knows the black cat from Hansel and Grettel and the teapot from Beauty and the Beast ... I'm trying to find him a new set of Sirah/Islamic animated book so that he can learn from them as well. Have just taught him alif, ba and ta. He'll reach the whiteboard, pointing the letter "ba" and pronouncing it everytime we sit in the lounge; ummi's teaching area :). Seems like "ba" is more popular than the other two eh?

Is there a child in the UK that knows nothing about Bob the Builder? Even Joode is a big fan of him! That's my lil nephew in Malaysia. We don't have Sky at home but since we bought him a pair of wellies with Bob on them, and a big activity book with Bob and team, plus kakak-kakak showing Bob's series on YouTube, he has turn into another fan, no doubt! He'll ask for Bob - that's the book or the newly bought (by kak Mai) 15-piece Jigsaw puzzle. I think kids just love Bob on his big machines, just like Handzalah love his Dig, Dig, Digging book that's filled with diggers, tractors and rubbish trucks.

Hmm ... in a month plus-time, this little boy will have a baby bro/sis (surprise, surprise!). I don't know how it's going to be then, but I hope Allah we'll ease this journey of parenthood with granting us guidance, knowledge, strentgh and patience to produce little mujahids and caliphs (the wonderful term from bigSis' friend) ...

last but not least: ... and this loving son of mine, knows whenever I feel a bit down. Well he loves giving away cuddles and kisses all the time, but he'll give a long big hug and kiss ... whenever I don't feel fine. Trying to make ummi cry eh? ;) my little heartthrob!

* read about a 21-months old's growth here

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